Monday, December 27, 2010

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY ADORE THIS BOOK! Haha, ok this book is ah-mazing and I am practically in love with it. Although it may not be as good as the brilliant The Body Finder, but for a book of different genre its awesome! I can't really tell you much but that the beginning was a little slow, but after that you just can't put it down! Here's the summary of the book.
     Frankie Landau Banks changed a lot over the summer, so much that half of the male population at Alabaster doesn't even recognize her. Even the always adorable Matthew Livingston. I can't really tell you anything about the rest of the book because it will give away soooo much, but lets just say Frankie meets a certain boy and starts going out with him and meets his friends who are absolutely awesome! But then she figures out a secret about them, whether its good or bad find out for yourself. Anyways, you have to read this book to find out what happens, I love love love love this book! Although the review quite dissapointing in telling you about the book, but I did it for your own good, your gonna have to love it for yourself! Have a good last week of the 2010 year, and go have some good reads!


  1. oh this looks good! I'll have to check this one out from the library! By the Way I like the new look!


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